45.7 x 63.5 cm
Watercolor and Gouache on Wasli Paper
Here, hybrid beings celebrate the haldi (Turmeric) ceremony amongst them, which is a ceremony to adorn the heroine before an intimate encounter as well as to ward of the evil eye.
The Hybrid Beings generate hope and care to cultivate the capacity to reimagine a future for the marginalized and silenced. They speculate on near futures. The hybrid beings become a window to peek into future and past animals (beings)(myths) that have gone extinct with the evolution and those that are yet to evolve either naturally or with bio-geo-hacking of present-day technology. They stitch together improbable collaborations between humans and more than humans, making way for kinship. Hybrid Beings push back against the centering of the human and move toward a thinking that eradicates the hierarchy of being and challenges the human/non-human binary.
These hybrid beings open up possibilities for a post-queer and post-human world where species move away from questions of identity, recognition, or representation towards an uncanny kind of becoming. The situations and stories in these works evoke imagination in the viewer’s mind to remember the forgotten notions of care and symbiosis.